
Showing posts from July, 2019


We planted in Michigan. In Michigan, you need to plant in the Spring, (March to May) or in the fall. We began planning our project in the winter, so when we came to planting time we had to go with the spring. We planted during the last week in April, so the weather was... interesting. It was in the low 40s with lots of wind. However, although this wasn't ideal for us, it was great for the plants! This way, they wouldn't dry out before we planted them.


What is dune grass? Although it seems self-explanatory, let's take a minute to explain. If you've ever been to the beach, you might notice grass that appears to be "growing" out of the large sand dunes. It might seem that it is just "grass" or a "beach plant". But it is a special type of grass just for the beach. They were approximately two feet when they were planted as sprouts and are green/yellow/brown color.                   Here are the freshly planted stalks of dune grass.     In this photo you can see the older dune grass. What was our project? Well, for our Girl Scout Silver Award, we planted dune grass to preserve the dunes in Muskegon State Park. This award is important because it is the highest award we can earn in our level, Cadettes. It is the second highest award a Girl Scout can earn. All of us are required to put in 50 hours of work to the project. It was girl-lead by the four of us, b...


We are from Girl Scout Troops 4114 and 8167. Together, four of us worked on this project. We also had help from our parents, troop leaders, and Park Rangers from Muskegon State Park, Ryan and Chris.    


Welcome to our website! Here you will find a collection of information about our Silver Award Project, planting dune grass in Muskegon, Michigan. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at